Friday, January 12, 2007

Derisions of grandeur

I am delighted that William and I independently (really!) came to the same conclusion - that is to say, the right one - each in our own style: one qualified, plodding, and pedantic; the other, fun to read.

Becks heads US invasion

Here's the link: The Sun Online - Football: Becks heads US invasion

Now the anecdote. True story. Trav, or maybe it was Eugene (anyhow) gave me a DC United t-shirt as a gift before I went to study in London. I wore it all the time, normally without comment. Once, at a "rave" (can London raves be like a Rice party... old teens standing around a half-empty dance floor ignoring the lights and music and the EANABS? They can!) a really short girl walked up to me and said, "What the hell is that?"

"It's my DC United t-shirt"

"Ok... is that like a fake team?"


The girl went back to ignoring the people she knew.

Story #2: My comment about Team USA

I once compared them unfavorably to the reserve squad for the East LLagollen One-Legged FC. I then demonstrated how "The Hoppers" could beat the US 5-0.

Story #3 (short): The LA Kings

Didn't become great with the Great One.

What is your point?

My point is that Beckham's move will raise interest in the MLS, but that interest will all come from Europe, particularly the UK. And when I say "interest" I mean derision.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Study Break

Funny stuff.

I find the Apple guy much less smug and manage to have even MORE sympathy for PC. Really funny ad campaign but Slate is right about rooting for PC. I found that the Michael J Fox commercials made me HATE Pepsi and the Bill Cosby commercials made me ashamed of Coke.

Oddly "New Edition" did make me want to try "new Coke" which unfortunately, tasted awful.

I wish they had continued to call it "Coca Cola classic" then they could call diet coke "Coca Cola Slim fit" and they could call Coke Blak "Coca Cola Boot Cut" I would go for "Coca Cola Carpenter Jeans"

wait... how did I get talking about soda? Why do I have belt around the refrigerator? I don't really, it's just a joke. The refrigerator is much too narrow for my belts.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I am harnessing the full potential of the internet!!!!

The power to add more banality to the collective consciousness.

Step 1: Capture banality on my cell phone.
Step 2: Upload banality to YouTube.
Step 3: Share banality on my blog.
Step 4: Add irrelevant tags.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Dave's invention is for potty-mouths

Or so I infer, as the first element of the system is a "speech sewer".

will inspired me

when i left ms, i had about 6 patents filed and so you reminded me to check if any had been approved. as it turns out, while google patents finds none of them, the us patent office now lists one as being approved the week of nov 21, 2006.

i filed a few more at rougly the same time, so hopefully those will go thru soon. the last 3 or so were filed about 2 years later, so i guess it will be awhile on those.

Google Patents Found My Dad's Patent pretty much right away

I had to put in his middle initial "H"
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants