Friday, June 11, 2004

Ray Charles 1930-2004

The very first movie I ever saw in the movie theatre was a double-feature. Feature #1 was The Blues Brothers which, while being a very funny and silly movie, is based on some extremely sad material. Broken lives, desperate poverty, impossible hopes, rascism, oppression, incarceration... I guess that's why they call it the blues.

Anyway, this entry is about Ray Charles and his musical number from that movie (aka "Shake your tailfeather") which is sadly my only link to any of those post bop dances of the 60's. By the time the concept of dancing had come to my middle school years (which are the years that count for learning how to dance... remember that when you are raising kids) these immortal dances had been pillaged first by Go-Go then by Disco then by slam dancing then by break dancing (especially the Freakin' Robot!) such that all that was left... all that was permissable was to stand around awkwardly and convulse.

How much happier would everyone have been if we could have done the fly, the swim, and the bird, and well... the duck, aah the monkey, hey hey watusi. And what about the food? The mashed potato! What about the boogaloo? Oh, the bony marony... come one let's do the twist AHHHHHHHH

Twistin' shake it shake it shake it baby!

But I digress. Ray Charles was a wise and soulful dude and a dynamite musician. Many have said it, and I say it too.

God Bless the soul of Ray Charles.
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants