Sunday, August 22, 2004

Syndicated Comics and the death of Quality

simpleton lampoons the nadir of American culture, the syndicated serial comic zombie. The original creators are either long since dead or for some other reason without a soul, these morbid half-rotten carrion-ridden walking corpses of the comics that were bad when they were alive are now both terrifying and evil.

In fact, Mary Worth is one of several comics towards which I feel such antipathy as to generally consider even discussions about them to be verboten.

I generally put all comics like this under the heading of "Apartment 4G" as in "I decry the Apartment-4Gification of Luanne and Foxtrot." Somehow the word "apartment" lets me deal with this issue in isolation.

However, having read this article by simpleton, I may recoin the phrase.

It reminds me of somthing my daughter said:

"Daddy, I smell something. Its coming from behind the radio. Its a monster! He has a kitchen in his tummy and we have to get nets to catch him. But we don't have any nets. I know! We can get them at the grocery store, that's a good idea. Then we can catch the monster and his face will turn into a rocketship and he will say RRRRRROOOOARRRRR!!!"

If I Mary Worthified this story, it would take the better part of 15 years to tell it.
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants