Wednesday, December 07, 2005

You can learn a whole bunch about a person from how they sleep

My kids are asleep. A reality of evening law school is that this is how I commonly encounter them. I've learned a few lessons about my kids and people in general from watching them sleep:

1. When people are asleep, they don't like to be woken up with sudden loud noises or a sharp jab with a stubby forefinger.

2. When people are asleep, they tend to talk less. The exception to this is people who talk in their sleep who talk the same amount.

3. When people are asleep they tend to lie down.

4. People move around more in their sleep than when they are watching television. I almost thought that was interesting.

5. When you are watching people sleep, its proably because you are having trouble settling down from your day at work and evening at law school.

6. Making lists late at night on the internet is a good way of making lists late at night on the internet.

7. I have learned that this is the seventh thing on my list.

8. Ahhhhh!!!!!! A human pumpkin!

9. Both of my children snore, but they snore different. They snore like their personality.
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants