Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Japan unveils maid robot

So I saw this video of a clanky humanform robot stuffing shirts into a washer

First off: How stupid. Robots don't need to be human form. What you need is a washing machine that roams your house seeking dirty clothes and sucking it into its thorax then plopping down next to a water source and air vent, then doing its business. Our even better, remember houses in the 70's that had hampers built into the upstairs bathroom that dumped out into the laundry room on the floor below? What if the whole house had a series of room automations that sucked stuff into the proper bin? But I digress

The main point of my post: STOP FOOLING AROUND! We don't want to see maids and dancing robots. Confirm our worst fears. Put autocanons on their spindly bodies and have them stupidly shout "Rodger Rodger" or make them look like Arnold Schwarzenegger or make them out of cars that transform. If there is a science fiction armed conflict betweeen vampires, zombies, robots and wiccans... I want to see the players come to the field!

After thought: I like that the robot has a big platform in the back. I can imagine Jason standing on it shrieking "Robot Go! Robot, Go!"
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants