Tuesday, October 28, 2008

McCain or Obama Tax Calculator Applet

Because doing a tax return is so fun, now you can do a hypothetical tax return three times with:

Who's easier on your pocketbook -- McCain or Obama?

So I admit that I tried and and amazingly Obama and McCain's plan have NO EFFECT ON ME AT ALL. Not only are my taxes exactly the same under each plan (although oddly for different reasons), they are also the same as my current taxes. To which I can only say:

Gee whiz!

Actually, no... I can do better than that. People (real and imagined) are very critcal of me when I do a "Calvin's Dad" that is, answering Dakota's question with an absurd falsehood done deadpan. I get everything from "How dare you lie to your children" to "Do you think its funny to have your children get mocked when they repeat your lucrious statements?" [In 2nd grade, I mocked plenty of people who repeated the ludicrust statement of their patent, and believe me: it was only funny to me.] But the fact is, all of that is, like many cultural issues, total nonsense. Here is an example of why:

Dakota: Dad what does AM stand for? Does the M in AM and PM stand for the same thing?

So I go into this long explanation of the concept of Merediem and how it means both the middle of the day and the position of the sun in the middle of the sky and how its latin and how "Ante" and "Post" are also latin, and I've lost her.

Dad: Dakota, I'm sorry. Look, "AM" stands for "Awesome Morning" and "PM" stands for "Party 'til Midnite" because you should wake up everyday and have an awesome morning, then after lunch you have 12 hours to Par-tay.

Dakota: That's great! Thanks, Dad.

Have an Awesome Morning, y'all.
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants