Tuesday, May 17, 2005

My children are so smart

Jason can not only calm himself down by sucking his thumb, if the light is too bright, he swings his other arm over his head, to cover his eyes.

Dakota can work the TiVo. Ok, she can pause, back 8 seconds, end of program, begining of program, and rewind the TiVo. She can't program it herself yet, but considering she can't read, that isn't such a big deal.

I read at 3. I think the story involves me sounding out words scribbled on the walls of a bathroom stall. This was before I started preschool. That is actually why I started preschool - my mom was a little scared. Dakota, at 4, can read a few words, but I am not worried at all. She is just begining to show interest in reading, and I for one am not going to push her. She can read some things, though.

"mom, that says 'stop sign'."

"Actually Dakota, it is a stop sign, but it only says 'stop'."

"no mom, it says stop sign"


I am, however, amazed at the discrepency of parental perceptions of Kindergarten homework loads.

The moms at the Missouri City Chik-fil-a seem to think that their children were not getting enough, so they must not be learning anything, so they pulled their kids out to homeschool them.

The moms in my Sunday School class seem to think that their children recieve too much homework in Kindergarten.

And a parent at my school insisted that his son recieve nightly homework. In Kindergarten.

All I know is that when I was in Kindergarten, we still had nap time, we turned a giant refrigerator box into a puppet theater, a Doctor's Office, a phonebooth for turning into Superman, and a cave. Oh, and my mom, when it was her turn to make snack one day, actually fried doughnuts for everyone, because we were studying the letter D. It kinda ticked the other moms off a bit, but I bet that is how the other moms felt about Martha Stewart when she made snack for her daughter's Kindergarten Class.

Oh, and Dakota is smart for talking me into buy ice cream. First she picked out cones, and said they were Birthday cones. If we had these at our house, it would be like everyday was somebody's birthday. When I relented, she of course reminded me that now we needed to buy ice cream.

She's beyond crazy smart. She's sneaky smart.
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants