Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Consumer Law keword: deception, warranty, unconscionabily , prohibited threats, unfair settlement practices

The garden variety DTPA claim involves

1 *a consumer
2 *a false deceptive or misleading act or practice in violation of the laundry list or breach of express of implied warranty or unconscionability (a word I will surely mispell)
3 * deterimental reliance ("in connection with")
1 Professional services
2 PI
3 Large transactions

DPTA Damages = Economic/Pecuniary. Knowing = mental anguish and up to 3x economic damages. Intentional= treble economic and mental anguish

Texas Debt collection act is a DTPA tie-in that technically doesn't replace common law tort of "wrongful debt collection"
*Debt collectors includes original creditor
*Consumer debt
*Prohibited threat
*Unconscionable is narrowly tied to attempting to collect debts not owed

DPTA tie-in damages = actual (economic + mental anguish). Knowingly = up to 3x actual

Federal debt collection is NOT a tie-in
*3p debt collectors only
*Consumer debts
*if disputed MUST stop collection

Consumer claim against insurer

*1st try the garden variety DPTA
*2nd a violation of the insurance code is "enforceable under the DTPA" meaning, use the DTPA remedies
*3rd try the Insurance Code. Big one is "unfair settlement practice"
--proper plaintiff is any "person"; not a consumer.
--Remedy for unfair settlement = actual (economic + mental anguish). Knowingly = up to 3x actual
--Remedy for unfair delay is the insured claim plus 18% per annum as LDs
*4th try stowers only if the injured third party has offered to settle with insurer for insurance limits
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants