Monday, September 29, 2008

Congratulations Falcon 1

The first successful launch of a privately owned orbiting vehicle was completed this morning in California. Reactions

1. You know, last weekend I re-watched "The man that fell to Earth" and had a very different reaction. Bowie spent way too much time messing around and not enough time clearing regulatory hurdles. That's because he hired an IP lawyer but not an administrative law attorney. What a shame.
2. Take that, Shenzhou 7!
3. I will see my dream come alive at last. I will touch the sky. And they're not gonna hold me down no more. I'm not gonna change my mind. 'Cause I got faith, of the heart; I'm going where my heart will take me. I'v got faith to believe, I can do anything. I've Scott Bakula. He is a really great actor. But I'll waste (I'll waste) has talents because I'm Paramount. But I digress.
4. Big deal, private space program. It's not exactly... how wait, it is.
5. I'm still sad that they didn't get Scotty's ashes into orbit on their last go around
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants