In typical William style, this is a post about avoiding writing a post about what I am thinking about, which is that I went back to my church. I will proceed to say that I won't say anything about it other than I don't exactly know at this point why I stopped going. Basically, there was no good reason, but almost three years had passed. There is a lot that I could say about that, but it is private, so I won't.
I had a digression here that had to do with something I purchased at office depot my senior year, if you were there (Dave, AChen, etc.) then you will recall that you felt I paid too much for it, but I felt that because it was exactly what I wanted, it was worth it. The point is (a) I still have it, (b) there is no longer any thing for which I will pay the "no haggle" price because its exactly what I want. In fact, I am not sure there even is anything that I would point to and say "this is exactly what I want."
I don't think this is a function of being any more mature. I think its the times. I am just not convinced that anyone wants a new Lexus or a big-screen TV anymore, even if they could afford it, which (of course) they can't.
So, I got myself a Christmas present. I got two white shirts and a french blue shirt for work: two from and one from Lands End. Total price is something like $55. If I am an indicator of the market (and I am) then we are in for a long winter.
Monday, December 21, 2009
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants
-----They Might Be Giants