Monday, December 21, 2009

Me Three Shirts From Mail Order Far

In typical William style, this is a post about avoiding writing a post about what I am thinking about, which is that I went back to my church.  I will proceed to say that I won't say anything about it other than I don't exactly know at this point why I stopped going. Basically, there was no good reason, but almost three years had passed. There is a lot that I could say about that, but it is private, so I won't.

I had a digression here that had to do with something I purchased at office depot my senior year, if you were there (Dave, AChen, etc.) then you will recall that you felt I paid too much for it, but I felt that because it was exactly what I wanted, it was worth it.  The point is (a) I still have it, (b) there is no longer any thing for which I will pay the "no haggle" price because its exactly what I want. In fact, I am not sure there even is anything that I would point to and say "this is exactly what I want."

I don't think this is a function of being any more mature.  I think its the times.  I am just not convinced that anyone wants a new Lexus or a big-screen TV anymore, even if they could afford it, which (of course) they can't.

So, I got myself a Christmas present.  I got two white shirts and a french blue shirt for work: two from and one from Lands End. Total price is something like $55.  If I am an indicator of the market (and I am) then we are in for a long winter.
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants