Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Democratic National Committee

Howard Dean has been elected to the Democratic National Committee. Hooray!

1. To put it plainly, I feel like Dean was eliminated as the party nominee due to:

a. Dirty pool by the other candidates, particularly Gephardt.
b. A poorly administered party.

2. There are three main criticisms of Howard Dean, all of which I think speak well of the man:

a. People who call themselves liberals say that he's not a real liberal.
b. People who call themselves conservatives say that he's "the devil."
c. Because of the dirty pool campaign against him (see 1.a) , more or less everyone in the media thinks that he is insane.

3. My thought on Dean's actual politics is that it charts better in European terms. To put it differently, the sorts of things that Dean advocates as good policy would make him a good Eurocrat. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I won't support this remark with any sort of explanation as to what I think a Eurocrat is or what I think Dean's politics are or how I think its similiar, or any part of my reasoning. I'll write this sentence and the previous one just to frustrate you.

4. The truth is, what really sold me on Howard Dean is how good of a web-site he had. All of the other campaigns were phony IT-literate. "I'm going to say something that FDR never could have said, if you want to know more about John Kerry, go to www.JohnKerry.com" -- Shut the heck up, you phony! Howard Dean managed to find a team that actually knew something about IT. American IT professionals are an important but misunderstood and vastly underappreciated group. Howard Dean understands that and doesn't condescend. If that sounds stupid to you, then... okay I'm bluffing, I got nothing.

5. Finally, I like that Howard Dean had a real job before he became a politician. Yes, I know he's no Hortio Alger story but... well, but nothing. He was a real Doctor with a real practice and his wife still has a real practice and that's real work... so there!
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants