Thursday, June 23, 2005

Welcome Home, Eric Hewett

In many ways only the Eternal City is worthy.

This post is my response to Eric's A Travel Video. There are no links in this post.

I remember a beautiful summer day in New York's Central Park. Eric and I walked around and spoke of many things. In particular, I remember Eric's deep analysis of Yves Klein's "Immaterial pictorial sensitivity zones." Eric compared Klein to the ancient alchemists creating gold from lead. The connection was that value was created from the moment itself, springing forth from nothingness and destroyed as a necessary property of the evanescent present. The artist's creation of a moment through the consecration of golden treasure; as heroic as it is paradoxical. I thrilled to listen, captive to the brilliance of this classicist explaining to me the condition of post-modernity.

And so it comes to pass once more. I hang on every word in expectation, waiting for the pronoucement that has already come to pass. My mind spins as thoughts about Being, Destiny, Will, Wishes and Wordliness race and then converge upon the moment.

Roll Credits.
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants