Saturday, January 28, 2006

My big boy

Jason turned 1 on Wednesday, and I officially can't (or shouldn't) call him a baby anymore. Today, he pulled up on a box (only about 6 inches tall), and stood up the rest of the way, not holding onto anything. The grin on his face was so full of pride! I am sure he will be walking soon, but not until he is ready. And I know that I will never be ready for it, as I can almost not keep up with him now!

Jason went to Texas Children's Hospital again last night. He woke up Friday morning with a cough that progressed all day. At 1am, he woke up screaming and wheezing. So we gave him a breathing treatment (the first in about 2 weeks), but he still did not sound right. So Will bundled him up and off to the hospital they went.

3 treatments, 2 chest x-rays and 1 diagnosis later, Jason has pneumonia, and is back on antibiotics, again (this is only 3 days after finishing the last round). Poor kid.

Will was worried that the pneumonia was due to swallowed bath water, swallowed object, or a chill after a bath, but the Dr. assuaged his guilt, and told him that bath water would look different, and so would a foreign object, and that you can't actually get sick from being wet too long after a bath.

Home for less than an hour, Jason proceeded to steal all of my toast from my breakfast. I guess he is feeling a little better.
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants