Saturday, February 04, 2006

"1 cup of pudding in the mix for extra moist cake"

So Will and Dave come home from a late night ice cream, tp, and cake baking supplies run.

"and look, we got a box of pudding!" Excited eyes and faces from the boys.

Louren, confused, "yeah, and?"

Boys: "to add to the cake batter. To make it more moist!"

Louren: "Whatever"

Flash forward to this morning, as Louren is baking much belated birthday cake for Jason (and early birthday cake for Dave).

Boys: "did you bake the cake?"

Louren: "It's in the oven now"

Boys: "did you add the extra pudding?"

Louren: "Um, guys? You do know that the pudding is already included in the mix, in powder form. And nowhere does it say to add pudding."

Boys: "so did you add the extra pudding anyway?"

Louren: "huh?"

Boys: "we just like pudding!"
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants