Friday, August 18, 2006

The IAU committee had 12 members

And guess how many planets this "12 member" committee says there are ...

The IAU draft definition of 'planet' and 'plutons' from

The world’s astronomers, under the auspices of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), have concluded two years of work defining the difference between “planets” and the smaller “solar system bodies” such as comets and asteroids. If the definition is approved by the astronomers gathered 14-25 August 2006 at the IAU General Assembly in Prague, our Solar System will include 12 planets, with more to come: eight classical planets that dominate the system, three planets in a new and growing category of “plutons” – Pluto-like objects – and Ceres. Pluto remains a planet and is the prototype for the new category of “plutons.”


Dr. Pluto was glad that Drs Mercury,Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune voted for her.

The big surprise was that Dr Charon and Dr 2003UB313 also got enough votes. Apparently having won "Rochambeau" means that the rest of the comittee needs to name a planet after you. I can't waiting until my kids run that committee and rename the planets: Dora, Elmo, Kermit, Scooby-Doo, Kim, Possible, etc.

I didn't make a joke about "Dr. Your..." oh never mind.
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants