Thursday, August 10, 2006

Master Carolus Javier's Select College for the Sons of Gentlefolk

One of the things that I always enjoyed about fantasy as a genre of fiction was the ability to have thinly vieled characters who are just a stand-in for someone familiar but with ridiculous names.

Here is my name if I were to write a "Star Wars" novel with a thinly vieled stand-in for me as a Jedi...


Cartoonishly rendered by me using MS Paint. MS Paint is not to be mistaken for Ms. Paint, who is the character from the 1980's spin-off video game. Posted by Picasa

Which brings me to the question. Where am I on the hero's journey (Oh I'm a hero now am I?)

Well, it depends on what the adventure is. I'll say that the adventure is "get some sleep after a difficult final exam" in which case I am in the "refusal to answer the call"


okay it's the next morning. My stomach hurt all night thinking about that rotten exam. It's a bit uncharacteristic of me, I know, to break character like this but ARRGGGHHH! The stuff that I got down really cold versus the tough way that they... and then... the but... and then there was this part where... and I should have said ... but I had... and I just blanked!... and... the... what... and... but

LIKE I GOT ANYTHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT!!! E Hewett does all of his exams via the socratic method... and normally not in English. I'll take the tax code over that 9 times out of 10. I'll save the 10th time for the philsophy test that says "Define the universe and give two examples" I've always wanted to take that test.

Anyhow, Louren said that I would feel better watching the Dormitory Boys' new lip-syncs. I love the way that they make fun of the cheesy instrumental riffs. Check this out:

That's funnier that impaling a real potato imitating a anthropmorphized potato simulacrum of early 20th century american xenophobia Not the ice pick ahhhhhh!!!
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants