Friday, February 15, 2008

Verdict: Office 2007 is pretty good

#1 the XML file formats take up MUCH LESS SPACE. Considering the main feature of mass-market software is bloat, this is a terrific development.

#2 The Ribbon is incredibly annoying but after a few months it starts to make sense. That said, I there isn't an "expert mode" where you can go back to having your own dockable customized toolbars. You actually can get this by buying a 3rd party software but it should be native

#3 On Word, it is much easier to control paragraph features, but outline numbering still need to be tweaked carefully. You'd think that this would have been fixed but not yet.

#4 On excel, it took forever for me to get Pivot Table to work right and Solver is still extremely cludgy.

#5 Powerpoint is much better, but its still powerpoint

#6 In theory, Sharepoint and Groove are now ready to go and kill in enterprise workflow. After a full career of lotus notes, however, I've decided that this is a technology that all the wrong people want. That is to say, the people who really need it don't want it, and the people who really want it, don't need it. Unfortunately this is not a technology problem so much as a problem which I blame on either the state of our culture or on a more intractable state of human nature. But because ontology recalculates phrenology, I am sure that eventually humanity and society will evolve to be the type of person who is an ideal user of enterprise workflow
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants