Tuesday, August 05, 2008

the dream changes

So I am still having bar exam dreams but they are getting better: the secured creditors are perfected, even though time is not of the essence the contractors finsh on time and the architect signs the certificate of completion in good faith, the checks are honored, everyone acts as an ordinary reasonable prudent person would under similar situations, equity need not make done because its already been done in the first place, the testator understands the natural objects of his bounty and the scrivners faithfully leave the specific bequests to "dave, his heirs and assigns", all the guardians take the oath, all the trust beneficaries stay away from loan sharks, bailors deliver the goods, the best interests of the children are understood by the parties even without a guardian ad litem, the inducements to marry are written down, the known arsonists turns himself in by voluntarily arriving at the police station and though he is free to leave decides to knowing and intelligently waive miranda, the insurer and the injured party reach a fair settlement that is makes them whole without being a windfall, oral promise made prior to the final writing are forgottrn about, all the surface estates are accomodated, all the reservoirs hit MER, all interests will vest within lives in being plus 21 years, consignor get paid, the cotenants of blackacre get along, and the merchants is fair forthright and honest with the consumer who receives effective good that achieve the special purpose.
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants