Friday, May 01, 2009

Chocolate Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Batches

Batch 1
  Actually these came out ok, but it tastes a bit undercooked in the middle. Not in a bad way, its the molasses.
Dakota's comment: Next time you should do something like the crust of a pie.
Jason's reaction: wildly enthusiastic
Adjustments: More flour and baking soda

Batch 2
  Headed in the wrong direction here. These came out dry and crumbly. Also the almond extract flavor is now very noticable. Almond extract is a curse; a pox on my cookies. Fie! Fie! Yarrrrrrrr.
Dakota's comment: Next time use tortillas instead of oatmeal. Why? You might as well have used tortillas the way you are covering up the good chocolate flavors!
Jason's reaction: wildly enthusiastic
Adjustments: added cinamon, dark corn syrup, mayo, cook for 12 minutes rather than 10.

Batch 3
 This is more like it, but they just don't taste as yummy as I want them to taste
Dakota's comment: Hey these tast great!
Jason's reaction: wildly enthusiastic
Adjustments: FOUND THE DAMN BROWN SUGAR! Also going back to 10 minutes and making the footprint of the cookie smaller on the tray

Batch 4
 Like the American auto industry, I have burned through all my dough. This last batch was a little sticky but very very taste-tay!
Dakota's comment: Wow!
Jason's reaction: wildly enthusiastic

Lessons Learned: Cookie dough is like pancake batter, in the sense that if it tastes lousy in the bowl, it won't get magically better in the oven. Also, there are many subsitutes for different ingredients and mayo seems to work ok for eggs and oil but there is no good substitute for brown sugar. Almond extract? Its bad, horrible. If you ever buy oatmeal cookies rather than another type because you think its healthier, then you are fooling yourself.

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"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants