Saturday, March 05, 2005

Dave, you watch Alias, right?

As I arrived in Florida, my parents told me I had appeared on "this show we watch called Alias." Suprisingly, I have never tuned in to this show, but I hear it is quite good. Just no time with 2 kids.

But my parents said there was a corpse named...Louren Reed (probably Lauren, but whatever) that was the dead wife of somebody. Is this true? And if so, wierd.

There have been many doppelgangers of other people I know, on television. But never me. The closest I have ever known for myself was when I realized that if you shortened my name to Lou, that I have the same name as a famous singer. I even convinced some (stupid) people in high school that he was my uncle, and I was named after him. Hey baby, take a walk on the wild side.

Car trip was largely uneventful, which is really what you want when drving 630+ miles with two small children. It hit me how long the trip would be when I drove past the exit to where my parents lived twice (two old houses), and after the second one, realized just how much further I had to go.

But as a bonus, since they now live in "prime spring break" territory, I got whistled at last night by some college guys in a jeep while I was unloading the RAV. I can forgive them since it was dark already. Crazy rednecks.
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants