Friday, December 05, 2008

The Hoppers Remembers the Statute of Frauds

 Remember when I said that TEAM USA soccer could be beaten by the Llagolen one-legged team? Well... karma baby. Freakin kharma.

I love how people have abused the idea of Kharma. For the record Kharma is not an O'Henry-like ironic plot twist, it's a Hindu and Buddhist concept dealing with the spiritual burdens that one must shed through a cycle of re-incarnation and progressively less kharma in order to attain Nirvana. But we don't care to investigate these ideas because... SHH! no talking "Friends" is on.... I think "Ross" is getting stressed out about something. He's so neurotic. Ha ha ha. Pass the Starbucks.

By "people" in the above paragraph, I mean "NBC." Darn that NBC.

Any how, the statute of frauds was enacted before the time of widespread literacy and it had a number of functions. Although the ostensible purpose was a rule of evidence to stop people "swearing they had an oral contract."  Anyhow, you must write it down if its a contract for

Year or longer for the contract to execute, by its own terms

Land (Real estate transaction)
Executors something or other. I don't actually understand this rule
Goods above some dollar amount, varies by jurisdiction.
Surety- This is a promise to pay someone else's debt. Sometimes these take the form of bonds, sometimes these look more like insurance.

Look! I broke my leg!
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"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants