Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Weather report

More storms. I hope that the winds are better at least. You would
thing heavy rain and pea-sized hail would mean not driving 85 on the
beltway and not tailgating at 1 foot distance, but if you thought
that... you'd be wrong.

As I sometimes say, I believe that people who brew decaf and
tailgaters will share the same circle of hell. In my Dantesque vision,
its actually the loop highway around hell and the tailgaters all are
stuck behind the decaf brewers. The decaf brewers all feel hung over
and also they just took a benedryl for their allergy to hell. The
tailgaters all just ate the burito from hell and need to get to an
exit to use a bathroom. Occasionally the tailgater manages to get to
the exit where they are tormented by the gas station toilets of hell.
Because we damn ourselves, the tailgater always buys another burito
from the gas station convenience store from hell and gets back on the
highway ... For eternity!!

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"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants