Tuesday, February 17, 2004

I remember when Smush came out. I thought to myself, "Ken Ober was sitting next to us at lunch!"

The game would have great stuff like:

Hortio Alger Hiss - a man who wrote about going from rags to riches and then to jail for selling secrets to Russians.

Or maybe they would do the converse (follow the links after to keep the punchline):

a delicious fruit, a pretentious way to recap events, and the Queen of Soul --

The Banannals of hisoretha Franklin

Just so it is clear: Jellyvision did not steal our idea. Nevertheless, over the years I've often thought about how strange it is that many of ideas that I have - someone else has it too and that person makes it into a movie or a TV show or something.

Only recently did it occur to me that there is nothing strange about this at all, just the opposite. Probably there are thousands or even millions of people with the same idea. Something like:

"You know what we really need? We a movie about the cleansing purity of Rock and Roll. We should have some sort of crazy guy be a pseudo-guru of Rock... and then, like, little kids. Yeah! Kids would be great because kids are purity itself!"

Then all of a sudden, BAM!: School of Rock

But if there hadn't already been tons of people with the notion that they really needed to see a movie like this, I bet the movie wouldn't have been the hit that it was.

Anyhow: Zeitgeist, baby, Zeitgeist.
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants