So I am one of the adult advisors for the Senior High youth group at our church. Tonight, we did a current events photo quiz for the kids, filled with political figures, as well as sports pop-cultural, and church figures. Sad to say, but I got more of the pop-culture ones correct than the political figures. And sadder still (or perhaps a great hope for the future), the kids knew more of the political figures than me.
I blame KUHF's annual fund drive for limiting my news coverage this week.
Oh, and I blame radio for being audio and not visual as well. When will we get the car radios with video screen - popping up an apropriate still image as a hologram projected onto the road ahead? On second thought, maybe that is not the great idea I think it is. Hmmmmmmmm........
Sunday, October 24, 2004
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants
-----They Might Be Giants