Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Notes from Vacation

Dakota says a soul train is a train that has two engines and carries lots of good things for people. Ok.

Dakota and Oma made cookies. The only mix available (for ease of maintaining Dakota's interest, not for ease of Oma's cooking) was oatmeal. Dakota was initially not thrilled. "I don't like porridge cookies" she said. She changed her mind with the addition of walnuts and craisins.

Jason waves hello and goodbye at everybody. He also said "hello" twice yesterday, but not again since. And only in conjuction with stealing my cellphone.

My camera does not want to work. I think this is due to sand from the beach having still been in my purse when I last put it in there. It makes a nasty grinding noise when I try to turn it on, and it won't focus on anything. Yech.

Dakota has started swimming lessons. Jason will start in two weeks (with me or Oma). Dakota's previous year swim instructor remembered her, and he and Dakota's current swim instructor were sharing notes. Great.

Oh, and Dakota is going to start hockey in July. She now has a helmet, elbow and shin pads, and gloves, all of which will eventually become Jason's. She also has a stick, taped in lovely hot pink. Yay pink. Yippee. She is beside herself, and looks darn cute in the gear. And yes, the helmet has a face mask.
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants