Friday, June 30, 2006

Superman Returns and is awesome. Now some lyrics:

Who's flying around,
all over town?
Who's fly around --

Look up in the sky.
Who is that guy?
It's a bird!
It's a plane!!

I was explaining to Louren that I sometimes call him "John L. Williams" but I really mean that he's Kryptonian and his name is "John-el"

Some of the critics didn't like the movie. They are bad people who have never read comic books and should not be allowed to see any more movies, only the test pattern on a tv.

Most people, liked the movie. That's because most people rule!

It can all be explained with a Syllogism:

All movies that are "Superman Returns" (like for real, not just someone decided to rename "Ishtar" or something) are totally awesome!

I just watched "Superman Returns"

I just watched "Superman Returns" which is a movie that are totally awesome!


Oh and then let me deconstruct it for you:

Superman represents the main character in a totally awesome movie called "Superman Returns"

So the meaning of "Superman Returns" is that you get to go see a totally awesome movie.

What was so awesome about it?

It was totally awesome.

If you don't believe me, check out my Platonic Trialog:

Once upon a time, Aristole and Focault were having Cerviche and discussing the nature of Aesthetics:

Aristotle: The nature of beauty the truth of the object of art.
Focault: No, the nature of beauty is existential experience of beauty that we imbue into the object of art.
Waiter: Okay, two Pabst Blue Ribbons. Hey, I don't know what you guys are saying but "Superman Returns" is a totally awesome movie.
Aristotle and Foucault together: Yes.

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"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants