Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Not picked for Jury Duty

Jury duty in Fort Bend is a terrific experience! They are very polite. They explain everything. They even show a funny movie about the jury system that contains an except from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" (seriously)

I thought for sure that I was going to get picked since I was juror No. 9. Why didn't I? Either it was because the prosector asked me "Do you think criminal sentancing is for rehabilitation or punishment?" and I said "I don't like either of those choices, can I pick something else?" By the way, most people think "Punishment." OR it was because the defense attorney asked (in the context of the 5th ammendment) "Does anyone think that its ever not okay to keep quiet and not say anything." I raised my hand and said, "If a police office asks you for you name, you have to tell him, you can't just refuse to say your name." The defense attorney looked positively annoyed and was silent for a full ten seconds while he regained his train of thought then he said "Yes... very clever, Mr. Li."

Other reflections:

Thanks to third-rate Quincy-knockoff Television programs, people:
1) no longer understand that witness testimony is evidence. ("I would need fingerprints or something")
2) people that "beyond a reasonable doubt" means "the presence of physical evidence"

Thanks for confusing everyone, Jerry Bruckheimer.
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants