Sunday, January 16, 2005


This is far less significant than Jason and is late coming (like Jason), but when I read the end of To Fuss is Human, To Rant, Divine!! and thought of William's long go-round with Mike about politics, I remembered a great Doonesbury from a year or more ago. I don't want to mess with trying to post the image or make a link; besides, the dialogue is what matters. It's between Democratic talk show host Mark Slackmeyer and his conservative on-air (and life) partner, Chase.

Mark (thinking): What liberal media? Maybe I'm it!

TV: "Fox News: We report, you decide!"

Mark: That has to be the most cynical slogan in the history of journalism!

Chase: Drives you crazy, doesn't it? You know why? Because you liberals are hung up on fairness! You actually try to respect all points of view! But conservatives feel no need whatsoever to consider other people's views. We know we're right, so why bother? Because we have no tradition of tolerance, we're unencumbered by doubt! So we roll you guys every time!


Mark: Actually, you make a good point...

Chase: See! Only a loser would admit that!

Dialogue copyright G. B. Trudeau, who rocks. I'm not trying to rip him off.
"Too late or still too soon too soon to make lots of bad love and there's no time for sorrow. Run around, run around with a hole in your head 'til tomorrow."
-----They Might Be Giants